Oil painting art school - TAM - English & Dutch

T   O   N   K   I   N   S   O   N         A   R   T        M   A   S   T   E   R  S       -       S  C  H  O  O  L       O  F       O  I  L       P  A  I  N  T  I  N  G




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unfinished portrait of Kim by tonkinson-art

1999 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT K Port 164, Portrait of Kimberley, Oil painting techniques on stretched canvas  60x40 cm, Property of  the  Artist,


tea 4 two77a

1999 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT TT 77 a, Oil painting techniques on stretched canvas  80x60 cm, Property of  the Baron of the Artist,


musician study of technique by tonkinson-art

v1999 -  Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT 104 M - musician, oil on stretched canvas 50x40 cm, Lost - if you see this painting, please do take up contact with me.


portrait of sharon by tonkinson-art

1999 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT 148 S port, Portrait of the artists sister - Sharon Mc Clure, Oil painting techniques on stretched canvas  40x50 cm, Property of  Sharon Mc Clure.


water study

1999 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT WL 38, Water lily, Oil painting techniques on canvas board, 40x30cm, SOLD at the Cafe du Cafe Coffee Shop, Property of  the Baron of Fullwood

storming rhino

1998 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT SR 12, Storming Rhino, Oil painting techniques on stretched canvas 70x50cm. SOLD at the Cafe du Cafe Coffee Shop, Property of  the Baron of Fullwood



1998 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT STC 13 I, Springbok Trading Commission, oil painting sketch on paper, 30x30cm, Property of Springbok Trading.



1998 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT STC 13 II, Springbok Trading Commission, oil painting sketch on paper, 30x30cm, Property of Springbok Trading.



1998 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT STC 13 III, Springbok Trading Commission, oil painting sketch on paper, 30x30cm, Property of Springbok Trading.


sb 8 final

1998 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT STC 13 IV, Springbok Trading Commission, oil painting on stretched canvas, 250x250cm, Property of Springbok Trading.


after gaugain by tonkinson-art

1998 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT SG 159, Teaching Aid -after Gaugain, oil painting on stretched canvas, 50x60 cm, Property of TonkinsonARTmasters.


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P r i v a c y   b e l e i d   TonkinsonARTmasters


This web page is the home page of Art Master Leone Tonkinson. She is the sole, worldwide copyright holder and web master of all her creative works. All her images in this and all other web sites can only exist through her express permission. The artist reserves the right to publish, make copies and to sell reproductions of all her artworks, which appear on this site as well as all other web sites, for the sole purpose of her income and towards her pension fund.



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