Oil painting art school - TAM - English & Dutch

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Siver teapot 71 web

2000 Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT ST 71, Silver tea pot, oil painting on canvas board, 40x30cm.


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2000 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT WL 16, water lilies, oil painting sketch on canvas board, 30x40cm, Property of the Baron of Fullwood


all in a days work by tonkinson-art

2000 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT SBJ 107 II, Silver backed jackal, Oil painting techniques on stretched canvas 50x80 cm, Property of  Mr. Paul Ward RSA


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2000 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT STS 15, Lion sniffing the storm, oil painting sketch on canvas, 120x100cm, Property of PMG Trading.


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2000 Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT PS 72, Painting up a storm, oil painting on stretched canvas, 30x50 cm.



2000 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades,   LCT R 52  “Reflections”,  Oil painting techniques on stretched canvas 183x800 cm, Property of Pick ‘n Pay , Port Elizabeth


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2000 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT MF 11  Meerkats family, Oil painting techniques on stretched canvas 90x60cm, SOLD , Property of  Mr. Paul Ward RSA


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2000 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT 3P 85, Oil painting techniques on canvas board, 30x40cm, SOLD , Property of  Mrs. MLH Pitout, RSA


giraff & birds

 2000 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT TB 15, Tick birds, oil painting on canvas board, 40x30cm, Property of the Baron of Fullwood


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2000 Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT KSR 119, Kids at Sharks Rock, Kings Beach, Port Elizabeth, oil painting on stretched canvas, 30x20cm.


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2000 Port Elizabeth - Autumn Shades, LCT LL 81, Lazy leopard in a tree, oil painting on canvas board, 40x30cm, Property of the Baron of Fullwood.



2000 Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT E 36, Elysium, Diptych - Study of Leonardo da Vinci`s Amona Lisa, oil painting of wooden panel.


2000 Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT E 36, Elysium, Diptych - Portrait of a young girl at the yacht at Algoa Bay Yacht club, oil painting of wooden panel, 75x53cm.


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T O N K I N S O N   A R T   C O L L E C T I O N

 Portraiture       Still life       Wild Life       Landscapes


P r i v a c y   b e l e i d   TonkinsonARTmasters


This web page is the home page of Art Master Leone Tonkinson. She is the sole, worldwide copyright holder and web master of all her creative works. All her images in this and all other web sites can only exist through her express permission. The artist reserves the right to publish, make copies and to sell reproductions of all her artworks, which appear on this site as well as all other web sites, for the sole purpose of her income and towards her pension fund.



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