Oil painting art school - TAM - English & Dutch

T   O   N   K   I   N   S   O   N         A   R   T        M   A   S   T   E   R  S       -       S  C  H  O  O  L       O  F       O  I  L       P  A  I  N  T  I  N  G


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Dutch south african fine artist Tonkinson


portrait Neil and the boys by tonkinson-art


2003, Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studio, LCT Nport 114, Family Portrait,  Oil painting techniques on stretched canvas, 50x70 cm, Property of Annette Grantham.



portrait of the artist 2000 by tonkinson-art


2003, Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studio, LCT Sport 120, Self portrait of the artist,  Oil painting techniques on stretched canvas, 45x64 cm, Property of the Artist Tonkinson.



Valliant sailing Algoa Bay by tonkinson-art


2003 -  Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT VAS 103 - Seascape - The Valiant sailing vessel at sea, oil on stretched canvas 40x30 cm, Property of the owner of “Valiant”  Mr. Phil Standen.



110 Valiant crew web bt tonkinson-art


2003 -  Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT VC 111 - Valiant Crew, oil on stretched canvas 60x50 cm, Property of the owner of “Valiant”  Mr. Phil Standen.



Keith 73


2003 Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT KPort 73, Keith, oil painting on canvas board, 37x30 cm.



Kimberley 74


2003 Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT KPort 74, Kimberley, oil painting on canvas board, 39x50 cm.



Dave Jackson


2003 Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT Dport 88, Portrait of Dave, oil painting on stretched canvas , 70x50 cm,  Property of the Skipper, Mr. Dave Jackson.





2003 -  Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Fine Art cc, LCT 142 - Digit, oil on stretched canvas 60x90cm, Property of Mrs. MLH Pitout, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.





2003 Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT P 59, Persistence, oil painting on canvas board,  50x40cm, Sold at Algoa Bay Yacht Club , Port Elizabeth.



Bicycle for sale


2003 Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT BFS 18, Bicycle for sale, oil painting and sand on canvas board, 40x30cm, Sold at Cuyler street Gallery, Port Elizabeth.



102 sunday morning paper by tonkinson-art


2003 Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT 102 SP , Sunday morning paper, oil painting technique: curdling on stretched canvas , 40x40 cm, exhibited at Cuyler street Gallery, Port Elizabeth.



Man in shower by tonkinson-art


2003 Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT MS 122,, man in shower, oil painting technique: curdling on stretched canvas , 60x50 cm, exhibited at Cuyler street Gallery, Port Elizabeth.



Mary-Rose Dold-by tonkinson-art


2003 Port Elizabeth - Tonkinson Studios, LCT MRD Port 160, oil painting traditional oil painting technique on stretched canvas , 100x80 cm, Retirement presentation - gift for Ms. Mary-rose Dold. Exhibited at EPSAC as well as Cuyler street Art Gallery, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.



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P r i v a c y   b e l e i d   TonkinsonARTmasters


This web page is the home page of Art Master Leone Tonkinson. She is the sole, worldwide copyright holder and web master of all her creative works. All her images in this and all other web sites can only exist through her express permission. The artist reserves the right to publish, make copies and to sell reproductions of all her artworks, which appear on this site as well as all other web sites, for the sole purpose of her income and towards her pension fund.



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